
February 24, 2016

#FarmAttack: Afrikaner farmer, Herman was attacked by a group of black terrorists on his farm in the Freestate this morning

“We in the ANC have declared all white farms war-zones… white men, women and children are targets, they are part of the military and paramilitary units and the local police force…” -- BBC Monitoring, July 10 1987 and October 28 1986; Transcript of Radio Freedom broadcast on MK's landmine campaign, October 24 1986;Why we're targeting white farmers - ANC (Transcript of Radio Freedom broadcast on MK's landmine campaign, October 24 1986, BBC Monitoring)“Killing whites is an action that gives hope to blacks and makes white South Africans used to bleeding… such deaths can be beneficial. When blacks have learnt that a white has died in the violence, that kind of thing comes like the drop of rain after a long drought.” – Oliver Tambo to Trevor Huddlestone, New York Times, 24 Jan 1987; Radical Honesty Amicus in Afriforum v. Malema: Mandela & Fanon’s Black Liberation: Absolute Necessity of Violence on Rotting Corpse of Settler 
#Plaasaanval: 7 km op die Cornelia pad van Ascent af.Oom Herman is aangeval deur 'n onbekende hoeveelheid SWART TERRORISTE.

Hy bly op Uitsig. Hulle is nou op pad na Johhny en Myra wat op Uitsien bly...

Hierdie is naby Vrede in die Vrystaat...

As daar mense in die area is moet julle asseblief paaie toemaak en gaan help...

