
March 22, 2016

#ATTACK: VIDEO: Afrikaner mother & child gripped by fear after black Metro police officer threatens her



Linda Goosen:
" Ek hou nie van naamskending.  Maar vandag is ek van my menseregte ontneem en verneder voor die publiek en my kind getraumatiseer.  Hierdie bus vol "metro polisie" wat na alles in ag geneem, daarop uit was om konfrontasie uit te lok, het my bykans R4 000 boetes, dreigemente van "today you will go to jail" "I will destroy your phone" en n sker in die hand wat lyk asof hulle my lisensiekaart gaan opknip, deurgemaak.  Ek wat nog glo in my land en sy mense.  Ek wat jongmense leer daar is hoop vir ons land.  Ek wat se neem deel aan die platvorms wat geskep word om jou stem te laat hoor, staan staan vandag verslae.  Here wat gaan aan in hierdie land van ons?  Waarheen gaan ons.  Is dit hoe senior offisiere nuwe lede oplei?  Om mense uit te lok en te verneder en bang en beangs te laat?  Mag ek more nuwe hoop kry en weer glo.  Dankie aan almal wat my vandag bygestaan het."


https://www.enca.com › south-africa › m...
 Two TshwaneMetro Police officers have been arrested in ... one officer allegedly threatened a three-year-old child with a ... The motorist -- a 25-year-old woman -- and her two young ...

I live in a wonderful world short-changed by ANC skin-based policies of AA BEE BBBEE AA PP quotas & representivity ....
#BringBackTheWhitePeople: 96 percent of all the so-named 'White" South Africans are barred from the job-market in South Africa under the ANC's more than 115 anti-white racelaws. Afrikaner children, children, pensioners and adults suffer from this deliberate policy of barring their wage-earners from jobs, and many of these families hide themselves away in tiny squatter camps in South Africa. They have no right to work, no rights to earning an income and no rights to get food-aid from charities: we are in desperate need of donations for food, vegetables, clothing, baby clothes, medicine, blankets and tents. The ANC government does not help: in fact the ANC-regime has also made laws which prohibit private and public charities and donor-charities from helping whites If they do, the ANC will cancel their non-profit registration with the government. More than 15-million black poor people get help from the government and from private charities in South Africa. But only very few charities dare to donate to help these Afrikaner squatters because of their fear of this law. Foreign charities and private donors are free to chose where they can send their money and their aid in South Africa This is a very desperate situation please help. We need assistance
