
May 30, 2016

#FarmAttack at Sable Ridge Koedoeskop: farm manager and workers assaulted & tied up by black attackers

Plaasaanval in die vroeë oggend ure te
Koedoeskop Sable Ridge.
Die Bestuurder  asook Twee werkers was aangerand en vasgebind. Verdagtes het met 'n bakkie opgedaag en weer gevlug vanaf die toeneel met huishoudelike items. HPG en SAPD is tans besig met ondersoek.

Farm attack at Sable Ridge Koedoeskop  :  The suspects arrived at the farm in the early morning hours.  They then assaulted and tied up the farm manager as well as two farm workers.  House items were stolen and the suspect fled the scene.  HPG and SAPD are bussy with further investigation.
